Compose Symfony



Getting started

Make sure you first followed the global getting started steps.

1. Clone the git repository next to your project folder.

$ git clone

2. Copy .env-sample to .env and update accordingly

Set the relative path to the folder where your project is located:


3. Start the project-specific environment

$ ./environment

4. Start the docker environment

$ run up

The helper command run is an alias to docker-compose, specific for the current environment.

5. Access your project in the browser

This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Use Docker Developer DNS
    This way you can access the environment by browsing application.docker in your browser.
  • Use Nginx Proxy
    This way you can access the environment by browsing application.docker in your browser.
  • Add ports section to the nginx config in the docker-composer.yml file:
            - "80:80"
    This way you can access the environment by browsing localhost:80 in your browser.

What's in the box?

The following technologies are out-of-the-box available in this environment.
Click on one of the names for more information.

php-symfony image named application, which mounts the APPLICATION path to the image and links to mysql, redis and mailcatcher.

You can access the php-cli using the php helper. (see below)

The following packages are installed: php-gd php-mysql php-mcrypt php-sqlite3 php-bz2 php-xml php-mbstring php-zip php-redis php-imagick php-json php-bcmath php-intl

nginx-symfony image named nginx, which mounts the APPLICATION path to the image and links to application.

Please note that there is a different vhost between symfony 2 and symfony 3.

This nginx container is available at application.docker and www.application.docker through

- VIRTUAL_HOST=${BASEHOST:-application.docker},www.${BASEHOST:-application.docker}

Redis image named redis.

This redis container is available at redis.application.docker through

- DOMAIN_NAME=redis.${BASEHOST:-application.docker}

Connection settings:

host: redis

Mysql image named mysql.

The mysql root password is provided through the environment variable in the .env file through:


This mysql container is available at mysql.application.docker through

- DOMAIN_NAME=mysql.${BASEHOST:-application.docker}

You should first create a new database through the create_db helper command (see below).
Connection settings:

host: mysql
port: 3306
user: root
password: toor  (unless changed in .env file)

Mailcatcher container named mailcatcher.

This mailcatcher container is available at mailcatcher.application.docker:1080 through

- DOMAIN_NAME=mailcatcher.${BASEHOST:-application.docker}

SMTP settings for your application are:

host: mailcatcher
port: 1025

Available helper commands

Click on one of the commands for more info and an example.

Run docker-compose for the current project, setting the project name to the BASEHOST variable from the .env file

$ run up

Execute the php command inside the running php container, or inside a php-symfony container if none is running.

The working directory will be the current directory you are executing this command from.

$ php -v

Run the composer command inside the php docker container. The working directory will be the current directory you are executing this command from.

Your $HOME/.ssh and $HOME/.composer folders wil be mounted inside this container to enable you to make use of your ssh keys and composer cache.

$ composer require package_name

Create a new database inside the running mysql container with the given name (eg. 'symfony') and 'DEFAULT CHARSET utf8'.

$ create_db symfony

Execute a mysql command inside the running mysql container as the root user.

$ mysql "SELECT * FROM table_name;"

Execute the mysqldump command inside the running mysql container as the root user.

$ mysqldump db_name > export_file_name.sql

Import a given mysql file into a given database, inside the running mysql container as the root user.

$ mysqlimport db_name import_file_name.sql

Execute the nodejs command inside a nodejs container. The working directory will be the current directory you are executing this command from.

$ node js_file.js

Execute the npm command inside a nodejs container.

The working directory will be the current directory you are executing this command from. Your $HOME/.ssh and $HOME/.npm folders wil be mounted inside this container to enable you to make use of your ssh keys and npm cache.

$ npm install package_name

Execute the yarn command inside a nodejs container.

The working directory will be the current directory you are executing this command from. Your $HOME/.ssh and $HOME/.npm folders wil be mounted inside this container to enable you to make use of your ssh keys and npm cache.

$ yarn add package_name

Execute the redis-cli command in the running redis container.

$ redis-cli flushall